
Wednesday, 26 February 2014


Last nights winning ticket was number 76583 which had a prize of £295.00. The winner was Mr A P Johnson from Leominster. Congratulations to him and as always thank you very much for your support.

Thursday, 13 February 2014


Saturday February 15th departs from Radfords at 9.30 am and costs £19.00 for members and £21.00 for non-members. Booking can be made in person at the club or by calling 08442 761 939.


The postponed match against Wrexham has been re- arranged for Tuesday 18th March. Travel details to follow.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014


HUISA will be donating £2000.00 to the club this week in return for further shares. This will now take HUISA to a total of 30276 shares.
We have been able to do this as in recent weeks the sale of 50/50 match tickets has been very good. A big thank you to everyone who purchased tickets, your support as ever is second to none.


Tonights game is off. No date has been arranged for the future as yet.

Monday, 10 February 2014


Tuesday 11th Feb travel to Wrexham departs Radfords at 4pm and costs £15 for members and £17 for non members. Tickets can be booked in person at the club or by calling 08441 761 939.

Saturday, 8 February 2014


With todays match against Macclesfield being called off, if you are at a loose end and are contemplating watching the premier match and/or the rugby Addisons will be open . Many thanks for your support.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014


Along with the football club and other supporter organisations HUISA would like to add their backing to this campaign.
Football v homophobia is an international campaign to tackle homophobia and prejudice against (LGBT) lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transsexuals in football.
The campaign runs for the month of February and we feel that as in all walks of life any person should be allowed to carry out their daily life without any prejudice from others.

If you hear any homophobic incidents or chants at your game please contact your nearest steward or club official. You can also report this to the F.A directly on 0800 085 0508 or by e-mailing  . .Please do this as doing nothing, is really agreeing with what is going on.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Woking Away

Due to lack of numbers the HUISA coach to Woking has been cancelled. We are sorry if this causes any problems.


As promised, here is an update of HUISA's current Board position.

At the request of HUISA, our representation at the boardroom table is one of a committee position. This enables different committee members to attend, when available, future board meetings. This then allows people the chance to put forward theirs, and other supporters, questions and queries to the whole board. So this alleviates all concerns and issues going through one person.

Due to this being a committee position, no one person has been named as a director due to company legalities and to this end we re-iterate that this is a seat around the boardroom table NOT a place on the board. The Club have agreed that the representative will be able to attend a complete board meeting from start to finish and be able to participate in all discussion. However, that person will NOT be able to vote on any proposals, merely give their input.

Whilst this may not seem as influential as some people would wish, or think, we at HUISA welcome any form of dialogue with the whole board. It is hoped by HUISA that ,in due course, other supporters' bodies will also be invited to the boardroom table.

To this end, as stated by the Chairman, Keith Dodd, in this weeks' press , supporters who would like to ask or raise any issues and concerns to the board, are welcome to write to HUISA at PO BOX 1999 Hereford HR2 7WA, or e-mail

Please note that abusive and direct personal attacks will not be welcomed If you require a personal reply, details will need to be sent with your question.  Otherwise, we will report back via regular updates on this site.